Workshops / Seminars / Conferences
2022-23 _Awareness workshop on Cyber Security
2022-23_Seminar on "Understanding of Carbon Dioxide, Green House Gases and Climate Change"
2021-22_National webinar on "Ban on Single Use Plastic & Conservation of Water Resources"
2021-22_Webiner on National Digital Library of India (NDLI)
2021-22_Webinar on Entrepreneur Development and Goat Farming
2021-22_National webinar on "Environment, Health and Hygiene during Covid Pandemic"
2020-21_Symposium on "India's Freedom Struggle" on the occasion of Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav
2020-21_Sensitization workshop on the occasion of "Heritage Week"
2020-21_National webiner on "Irritants in Indo-Pak Relations" organised by Dept. of History
2019-20_A symposium on “Sampratik Samayat Matribhakhar Gurutva” organised by Dept. of Assamese