Syllabi of Four Year Under Graduate Programmes (FYUGP)
A) Arts
B) Science
C) Multi-disciplinary Generic Elective Course
For the syllabi of the Multi-Disciplinary Generic Elective Courses offered by various Departments/Centres of Studies, please refer to the syllabi of the concerned Subject.
D) Value Added Courses (VAC)
G) Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) for Semester- I
- Notification regarding approved syllabi of Skill Enhancement Courses (SECs) for Semester-I, 2023-24
- Second Addendum
- Addendum
- Notification regarding the Basket of Skill Enhancement Courses
- Aquarium Fish Keeping
- Baking and Confectionary
- Creative Writing
- DTP in Assamese
- Entrepreneuring Librarianship
- Food Preservation and Processing
- Foundation on Rupcharcha (Beautician)
- Fundamentals of Rural development
- Graphic Design
- Human Rights
- Knitting and Cutting, Stitching, Embroidery
- LED Bulb Repairing Technician
- Library and Information Literacy
- MS Excel and its Applications in Business
- Mushroom Cultivation
- Organic Farming
- Retail Management
- Self Defence
- Social Work
- Soft Skills-I
- Tourism Management
- Wildlife Photography
G) Others
Syllabi of Three Year Under Graduate Programmes (CBCS)
A) Arts
B) Science